A Reason For
Handwriting 1st-6th Comprehensive Teacher Guidebook
The comprehensive Teacher Guidebook is used for the entire 8-volume Handwriting series, from Kindergarten through Level F. The guide provides daily lesson plans for every level, letter formation charts in both manuscript and cursive, readiness exercises for pre-writers, teaching tips and techniques, strategies for remedial and advanced instruction, extended teaching / enrichment activities, vocabulary lists, and more. 248 pages.
Note: for updated Teacher Guidebook pages that reflect the 2023 revision to the Level T Student Worktext, click here.
For the teacher materials for the Pre-K Letter Introduction Student Worktext, click here.
For the teacher materials for the all-new Kindergarten Beginning Manuscript Student Worktext, click here.
ISBN: 0-936785-81-0
Item #: 12000
This Teacher Guidebook is 100% recyclable.