#1: The read-aloud story for Level C, Lesson 4, does mention a mother taking her kids to the doctor for a flu shot, required by their school, as an example of the week's theme of 'being glad in the Lord' even in unpleasant circumstances. Our company does not advocate for or against immunization; rather, we support the right of parents to make medical decisions on behalf of their children. Having said that, our materials are used not only by homeschooling families but in faith-based schools around the world, and we believe that anxiety about a 'shot' — whether that's a vaccine, allergy treatment, dental procedure, or something else — is a relatable experience for many children.
#2: Regarding the 'missing' portion of Lesson 2, the lesson plan mentions that the activity is found in the appendix of the teacher guidebook. Every lesson includes this optional student worksheet, which can be assigned to the student (or not) at the teacher's discretion. This allows extra flexibility to tailor the assignments to struggling or advanced students, and to different instructional schedules.